Sunday, October 28, 2012

a u t u m n

With warm coffee in hand, I can't help but notice that the leaves are now set ablaze by that beautiful burnt crimson hue. The sun sinks into the silhouetted earth earlier and earlier each night, leaving a breathtaking array of colors streaked across the dimly lit sky. Pumpkins and squash are arranged on every front porch, surrounded by a blanket of fresh-fallen leaves. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are now in season at Starbucks and the sweet aroma of cinnamon is in the air. We are undoubtedly in the midst of autumn, my friends.

A few reasons why I love autumn:
sweaters. hot cocoa. knee-high socks. boots. guys wearing beanies. pumpkins. baking cookies. scarves. denim. leaves changing colors. crisp air. cinnamon. cuddling. rosy cheeks. seeing your breath on cold days. corn mazes. apple hill. warm pie. white mochas. sunsets. blankets. bonfires. looking at the stars. candy corn. caramel apples. the smell of rain.

Check out my Autumn Playlist on Spotify!

What do you love most about autumn?
xx Kristin

Saturday, October 13, 2012

You Never Know

I'm choking back tears. My heart sinks a little more with each post I read on his Facebook page.
"Every time i saw you, you always had a smile on your face."
"You are loved by many, one of the happiest kids I've known, always joking around."
"You were such an amazing guy with a personality that lit up a room."
"Happy thoughts are what cross people's minds when they think of you."
"I've never met anyone like you, always accepted people for who they were."
"You were one of the happiest people I've known, always brought up the mood and brought everyone together."
"He was a brother to me, and I just lost him."

It blows my mind. I am honestly so shocked right now. How could somebody who was so incredibly loved feel compelled to take his own life? He was the light in so many people's lives. This young man had such a good heart, and anyone who spoke to him even for a second would know. I sat next to him in my U.S. History class during my junior year of high school. I remember we shared the same birthday and that he always said "thank you" when the teacher handed out papers and that my friend had a crush on him for two years. He had such an endearing charm and always made the class laugh. It just goes to show that you never know what battles someone is fighting underneath their smiles and laughter. They may seem like the most happy, confident, life-loving person. But that's just on the outside. Everyone has struggles; you never know what someone might be going through at any given moment. You know that kid who always eats lunch by himself? Invite him to sit with you. Lend a hand. Listen to their story. Be there for them, always. Make them realize that they are infinitely loved and, most importantly, they are not alone. You have no idea how much of an impact your words and actions can have on someone; it could be the difference between life and death. If there's even the slightest possibility that my actions can save someone's life, I will do whatever it takes.
Every 13.7 minutes, someone in the United States commits suicide. That is absolutely sickening to me. No one ever deserves to feel so helpless that death is the best option. Ever.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
xx Kristin

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Get Out There

It's crazy how fast time flies. Just one month ago, I was hauling boxes up to my new apartment, hugging my parents goodbye, and frantically preparing for WOW week and my second year of college. And boy, let me just say, so much can happen in a month.
I believe people are constantly changing, growing, improving. I am not the same person I was yesterday, nor will I be the same tomorrow. It's a good thing, really. We are all shaped by our daily experiences and encounters, always learning.

We often yearn for comfort in foreign situations, naturally drawn toward people and places that makes us feel at home. It is in these instances, however, that we must push ourselves to face the unknown. To go forth with no fear of unfamiliarity. I'll admit, this is something I've struggled to execute, but I know it's time for a change. There's no room for adventure and excitement if we always cling to our comfort zones. Over the years, I have come to realize that the most spontaneous adventures seem to result in the most cherished memories. No more holding back and sitting on the sidelines, too afraid of what might go wrong. Tell people your secrets. Smile at strangers. Make new friends. Talk to the cute guy you see around school. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. And to all the embarrassing mishaps and rejections and awkward situations to come, I say bring it on. It's time to get out there. Let go. Say yes. Live. Be.

Here's to being spontaneous.

xx Kristin
P.S. What is something you've done in an effort to step outside of your comfort zone? How did it work out for you?