I've decided to start making monthly inspiration posts to share what has been keeping my creative juices flowing lately! Here's my first of many to come!
I recently stumbled upon a series called "Dancers Among Us" by New York photographer Jordan Matter.
"Dancers are storytellers. They’re trained to capture passion with their bodies. They often create a fantasy world or offer us a deeper look into familiar settings. They bring to life what we feel but what most of us, lacking their artistry and athleticism, are unable to express physically." This is flawlessy embodied in each of his photographs, and I can't help but widen my eyes in awe as I admire them one by one. Here are a few of my favorites:
I recently stumbled upon a series called "Dancers Among Us" by New York photographer Jordan Matter.
"Dancers are storytellers. They’re trained to capture passion with their bodies. They often create a fantasy world or offer us a deeper look into familiar settings. They bring to life what we feel but what most of us, lacking their artistry and athleticism, are unable to express physically." This is flawlessy embodied in each of his photographs, and I can't help but widen my eyes in awe as I admire them one by one. Here are a few of my favorites:
Another photo series I found inspiring was the "Switcheroo" project by Hana Pesut. In this portrait series, pairs are photographed twice: once in their own outfits and again wearing each other's outfits against the same background. A bit of lighthearted fun captured through a lens.

So, I know Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom was released last year, but I never got around to watching it until recently. Such a brilliant and refreshingly unique film about young love, adventure, and innocent rebellion. I especially loved the classy 1960s fashion and the emphasis on books and records and the outdoors. Thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

And last but not least, I'll leave you to play around with this adorable website that lets you insert any text into a pre-designed template: http://recitethis.com. "Turn a quote into a masterpiece"...enough said. :)
What are some things that you've been inspired by lately? Also, I'm currently brainstorming ideas for a photo project to start soon...any creative ideas? :)
xx Kristin
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