Thursday, October 11, 2012

Get Out There

It's crazy how fast time flies. Just one month ago, I was hauling boxes up to my new apartment, hugging my parents goodbye, and frantically preparing for WOW week and my second year of college. And boy, let me just say, so much can happen in a month.
I believe people are constantly changing, growing, improving. I am not the same person I was yesterday, nor will I be the same tomorrow. It's a good thing, really. We are all shaped by our daily experiences and encounters, always learning.

We often yearn for comfort in foreign situations, naturally drawn toward people and places that makes us feel at home. It is in these instances, however, that we must push ourselves to face the unknown. To go forth with no fear of unfamiliarity. I'll admit, this is something I've struggled to execute, but I know it's time for a change. There's no room for adventure and excitement if we always cling to our comfort zones. Over the years, I have come to realize that the most spontaneous adventures seem to result in the most cherished memories. No more holding back and sitting on the sidelines, too afraid of what might go wrong. Tell people your secrets. Smile at strangers. Make new friends. Talk to the cute guy you see around school. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. And to all the embarrassing mishaps and rejections and awkward situations to come, I say bring it on. It's time to get out there. Let go. Say yes. Live. Be.

Here's to being spontaneous.

xx Kristin
P.S. What is something you've done in an effort to step outside of your comfort zone? How did it work out for you?

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